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Author Interview – James Dashner

jamesToday we are joined by James Dasher, author of “The Jimmy Fincher Series.” He’s here to talk with us about the latest developments in his career, his other books, and his really awesome news.

James, I had the pleasure of interviewing you in November of 2006. Some really outstanding things have happened in your life since then. Can you tell us a little bit about “The 13th Reality” series?

It’s a fantasy/sci-fi series involving everything from alternate realities to creatures called fangen to weird futuristic gadgets like barrier wands and gnat rats. Lots of riddles, humor, and action, too. The first book, “The Journal of Curious Letters,” was released in March 2008, and the sequel, “The Hunt for Dark Infinity,” will come out in March of 2009.

We’ve been really happy with reviews from the likes of the Chicago Sun-Times, Kirkus, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution, etc. Word of mouth seems to be
strong as well, so I’m ecstatic at how things are going.

When will the other volumes in the series be released?

One every March until it’s done. The series is planned for five, maybe six books.

You recently made an announcement on your blog. Can you tell us what that was?

Yes! I’m really excited about this: my agent just sold a book called The Maze
Runner to Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House. It also has potential for a series, but this book stands alone very well. The scheduled release is Fall of 2009. So I’ll have two books coming out next year!

So, will you be balancing between Shadow Mountain and Delacorte, or will you
have to go with one or the other?

Definitely balancing. I love Shadow Mountain, and plan to do many books with
them. I think it can work out well for awhile to have two books come out a year. A third publisher could enter the mix, depending on who ends up doing the
paperbacks of “The 13th Reality.”

What would you say are the basic fundamentals of being cool? You’ve obviously
got it mastered — what would you teach to the rest of us?

Being cool? That’s the easiest question I’ve ever received. Answer: Act like
Tristi Pinkston.

Ah, do go on!

Thanks for being here, James.

If you’d like to learn more about young adult author James Dashner and his projects, click here.