Anyone who is single with children knows just how hectic things can get. In addition to being exceptionally busy, you will find that things seem to be going in a million directions at once. To be the best single parent possible while salvaging your own sanity, it is essential that you find a way to balance life.
For starters, when people offer to help, accept it. Sometimes, we have so much pride that we simply feel we cannot ask for or accept help. The bottom line is that to balance life as a single parent, you need to let friends and family help. For instance, if you have a family member that offers to take your kids for an afternoon so you can get some things done, let them. If a friend offers to come over to fix dinner, let her.
In addition, I recommend that you take full advantage of your local resources. In this case, you will find several outlets where you live that can make life easier and more enjoyable. You might consider finding a mommy’s day out organization whereby the kids are enrolled in various activities so you can have a day to yourself. In addition, many communities have groups that involve both mom and the children for some much-needed fun. Remember, especially after a divorce, you need to have quality time with the kids when things are not running at 100 miles per hour.
Finally, make sure you have real time for you. Unfortunately, most single moms always put the kids first, which is admirable but also not reasonable. You should never feel guilty about having a manicure or pedicure, going to the gym, taking time out for lunch with a friend, and even dating. Unless your stress level is reduced, things in the home will be chaotic. Instead, you can still provide well for your children but you also need to provide well for you but without the guilt.
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