The next time you go grocery shopping, check out the reduced priced produce at your local store. It will be worth the hunt when you bring home the savings. With food prices growing higher each week, it is important to know what you can do to provide food for your family without going broke.
Reduce priced produce isn’t always available, but when it is, you can really save some money. Deals on fruit or vegetables that are less than perfect can cut your grocery bill on these items by half or more. For example, bruised organic apples might sell for 50 cents a pound instead of $1.69 a pound when they are perfect. It really does pay to look for these bargains.
Why would you want less than perfect fruit? After all, there is a reason that it is discounted, right? Well, while you might not want to sink your teeth directly into a bruised apple, you can take that apple and use it for other things, from apple pie to apple sauce. Zucchini can be made into zucchini bread, as bananas can be made into banana bread. Much overripe or bruised fruit can be made into smoothies, protein shakes or popsicles. Don’t forget about making the produce, especially fruit, into sauce or used for muffins. Vegetables are great editions for casseroles and soups or roasted with some oil or butter and seasonings.
If you find a deal on a lot of “need to use it now” produce, don’t panic. Just take a few minutes to prepare it (cut stems off strawberries, peel bananas or grate zucchini) and then put it in the freezer to use it later. This way, you always have a stock of inexpensive produce that will help to feed your family. Have fun and get creative.
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