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Clean Kitchen Sinks

We have been tackling the kitchen, focusing on appliances but today I want to talk about the sink. Now to some this may not be a big deal but to others (myself included), I just cannot handle having a dirty sink. I can’t stand seeing food or grease caked on or splattered all over my sinks. I find it very unappealing.

Keeping my sinks clean on a daily basis is just one of those things that are important to me. And it can be done with very little effort and time.

Several years ago I was introduced to “FlyLady,” an online coach who has helped many a person tackle their home, both with cleaning and organizing. She tackles things in “zones,” making the decluttering of a home manageable.

One of the first things I learned, and has stuck with me, is keeping your kitchen sinks clean. I don’t know if she still teaches the same thing but back then, the very first thing you started with in tackling your home (no matter how unkempt and cluttered) was the kitchen sinks.

If my memory serves me correctly you would fill the kitchen sinks with water and some bleach. You let it sit for 15 minutes and when you drain it; your sinks are nice and shiny. You may have to wipe or scrub but the point was you would have shiny, clean sinks.

Now I rarely use that method of cleaning. Other than that, I have used various other products to keep my sink clean. Formula 409 has always been a favorite but lately I have been trying to get away from chemicals. So my newest favorite product comes from the line of “Scotch-Brite Greener Clean Products.” They offer scrubbers and sponges that not only work great but can also be reused. Everyday when I run a load of dishes in the dishwasher, I throw in my sponge.

Scotch-Brite claims that one sponge can outlast 30 rolls of paper towels, so this gives you a good idea on how much money you save. I use these to clean out my kitchen sink on a daily basis. All it takes is a minute and I don’t have to worry about disgusting material stuck inside. Best of all, it can be cleaned along with my dishes.

I also like these products because they are made from recycled materials and plant-based fibers…hence, they are “green-friendly.”

Now what are you waiting for? Isn’t it time to get those kitchen sinks clean?

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Photo by oliver ottner in Stockvault

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.