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Curse of the Car Cart

There I stood. I stood contemplating which cart I should choose for that day’s shopping quest. That’s where it all began. I relive this moment in my mind wishing the chance to go back and listen to better judgment and select old faithful. Why is it sometimes so easy to depart from our better judgment. For once I’d like to walk hand in hand, side by side, arm in arm with my better judgment. Sadly, I left my better judgment and walked off into Kroger alone.

I selected the car cart. Yes, the car cart…the envy of toddlers and preschoolers being dragged along on shopping trips everywhere. I thought my four year old, Pink Lady and my 20 month old, Honeycrisp, would have a grand ole time riding while I decided between select a sheet and regular paper towels.

Why was this such a fatal mistake and how did past experience hint at such disaster?

May 2, 2009: While navigating a car cart I hit an elderly man who decided to let me know how upset he was from the moment it happened until our departure in the parking lot.

August 24, 2009: While navigating a car cart, I got stuck in line between a disgruntled customer and a line all the way to the frozen section. Pink Lady was stuck in the driver’s seat and was very unhappy about it. While she whined less then the disgruntled customer, it didn’t help matters.

November 15, 2009: While navigating a car cart I hit a woman’s heels that I promise you I did not see. She was none too happy and felt the freedom to express it.

January 3, 2010: While navigating a car cart, I ran across my own toe trying to turn a corner and practically took my nail off.

January 3, 2010: Vowed to never use a car cart again!

Okay, so the dates are completely made up…but the stories are not.

On this fair day, I decided to trek out because I need to grab a few items. My girls had a wonderful time pretending to steer the car cart. Any uneasiness I felt about going back on my vow vanished. It was an idyllic scene of a mom and two precious little ones making their way through a grocery store.

Then came time to check out. Getting a full car cart into the check out lane is equivalent to parallel parking. Car carts just do not possess the same maneuverability as your regular cart. It was tough but I made it through. No customers in front of me or behind me. Life was good.

Then it happened. The car cart curse was not over. It was just waiting for the right moment to strike. As I secured the kids and moved the cart to get it straight….it happened. The cart went over my foot. The plastic edge of the car mangled my big toe’s nail. I stood there watching blood flow from my toe while my nail hung by a thread. The pain seared through me but oddly did not emit into a jumbled mess of really negative words. Why am I still wearing open toed shoes?

Currently: Re-vowing to never use a car cart again!

The Tired Tantrum

It’s a ‘Pider

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