Fitness isn’t a one time deal. You don’t try it one day and suddenly develop a habit or lifestyle of fitness.
Rather, fitness is more like a journey.
Think about journeys you have taken in life. First, consider a literal journey you have gone on. It usually consists of a lot work preparing for it.
You have to plan, prepare and pack. By the time you are done, you are almost wiped out. Fitness tends to start off this way. You plan what you will do, you try and prepare your body and you pack on some exercises…only to find it was more work than you thought.
But like a trip you might take, once you are there, it was worth the hassle of planning and preparing. You have finally arrived at your destination. The same is true with fitness. It becomes worth it.
Of course, every trip, no matter how good it is, will have some setbacks. Maybe it rains on the day you planned to visit the beach. Setbacks will happen with any fitness program.
You might lose your momentum at some point in your journey. You are ready to just go back home, to the way things were. This can happen with fitness as well. Wasn’t it easier to just sit on the couch?
Life in itself is a journey, filled with good things and bad. It has its ups and downs. The same is true for your fitness journey.
When things are down, try something new. If you have become bored, switch up your routine. Walk a different path. Workout with a friend.
Remember that some events that happen in life are unavoidable. We just have to make the best of them. For instance, you might sprain your ankle or come down with the flu, so it interferes with your workout.
But other events we create. So much of our destiny is really in our hands. The same is true for your fitness journey.
What will your journey look like?
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Photo by Wolfgang Staudt in Flickr