It isn’t hard to make your own granola bars. They are tasty, healthy and very frugal. So why haven’t I done it?
After going through a pantry challenge for a couple of weeks, we were running low and decided to do a big shop at our local warehouse club. I’m in a tricky spot. We are moving in a few weeks, so I didn’t want to buy too much food or household supplies. Any extras would have to be moved (costs money) or left behind (wastes money). Still, we really needed some basics for quick and easy meals and snacks that could be eaten in the middle of the packing and moving chaos.
One of the things we did buy was a large box of granola bars. I had double coupons I could apply to the purchase, which justified buying the snacks. I thought the granola bars would be a good idea, since the kids love them and they are very easy to eat.
Well, we barely got home when the two oldest begged for granola bars. I’m sure the youngest would have too, except he doesn’t yet speak in English and has no teeth (he is six months old).
The price I paid for the granola bars wasn’t completely frugal, but I thought that I had gotten a pretty good deal. That is until I actually opened the box. Apparently something big happened since the last time I bought granola bars, or should I say something small. The granola bars that I could once break in half for two kids to share were now so tiny that I went looking for my magnifying glass. The store bought granola bars were the length of my index finger, and if I put two index fingers side by side, they were a little wider than the bar.
Since you can see me, I’ll give you some size perspective. I can let you know that I am neither a very tiny nor a very large person. I am a bit shorter than 5’5” and of a normal weight. I don’t have fat fingers and wear a size 5-1/4 ring on my ring finger.
I should have known that there was something mysterious going on when the box of bars proclaimed “30 more bars,” and yet the size of the box remained the same. I’ve never been good with spacial puzzles.
It is much more frugal (and healthier, too) to make my own bars, which I plan on doing once we get into our new kitchen and can unpack. They don’t seem hard to make at all. I scouted around and got some great recipe recommendations. I should have done this a long time ago, but I guess it is one of those things that just wasn’t on my radar.
Anyway, off to the recipes!
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