Ready to have some fun without the frightful prices that Halloween can bring? Believe it or not, it isn’t too early to thinking of ways to save on those Halloween costumes. With holidays seeming to creep up earlier and earlier these days, you might find that last minute waiting means that you just might pay full price to outfit your gang in Halloween costumes. Now that is scary!
Here are some ways to save (hint: you don’t have to be a sewing Goddess, either)
Use Themed Clothing
This time of year, there are plenty of Halloween themed t-shirts and sweat shirts out there. The best part is that they are often discounted even before October hits. Pair an inexpensive jack-o-lantern t-shirt ($7 or less) with an orange, black or green skirt or pants. Layer in a black long sleeve t-shirt underneath and some black or green leggings if you are using a skirt. Instant pumpkin.
I’ve seen skeleton t-shirts, ones with cats, and other creatures out there at the big box stores.
Yard Sales
Uh-oh. What happens when you take the box of costumes out of the attic or closet and find that nothing fits? You hold a yard sale. In the last week I have seen a number of costumes being sold out in yards, garages, outgrown sales, etc.
Costume Exchange
Get your moms club, church group or PTA together for a costume exchange. Someone’s outgrown mummy is someone else’s zombie monster. You’ll give your old costumes new life and get some in exchange without spending a dime.
Make Your Own Ideas
There are plenty of great costumes that can be made with just the stuff you already have at home plus maybe some sweat pants and a sweat shirt. Just start cutting and gluing. Search ideas online.
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