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How to Control Your Spending

Saving money is easy, the experts will tell you. It is just a matter of spending less than you make. But this simple explanation doesn’t take into account real life. Controlling your spending can be hard work. Here are some tips.

Track your “no spending” days

Challenge yourself, your relatives, your friends on Facebook, your friends here in the Families.com forums to no spending days. Basically, you see how far you can go without spending anything. Sometimes the days will be easy, such as when the weather is bad and you stay home. Other days will be harder, such as when you run out of dinner ideas. But having a no spending day can force you to be creative or at least realize what you might ordinarily spend you money on getting. Plus, you can replace that retail therapy with a sense of accomplishment.

Pay the bills

Pay all of your bills as soon as you get paid. If you get paid twice a month then pay your bills twice a month or set that money aside in a paying bills account. Include an amount for paying yourself some savings. By paying all of your bills first, you shouldn’t come up short in a regular month. Any leftover money can go toward debt or a special saving up for something fund.

Find alternatives

You won’t feel like it is a sacrifice to not spend if you have some alternatives. Instead of eating out, invite friends over for a home cooked meal. Instead of buying or renting movies, use the library or the cable that you are already paying for. Shop at thrift stores or yard sales, use freecycle, barter, attend free concerts. Do whatever it takes to afford what you like without actually paying for it.

Feel good about yourself

Do something that will make your feel good about yourself. Maybe it is exercising or having a book club. Maybe you can pamper yourself at home or spend an hour on the phone with a friend without feeling guilty. Go to bed an hour earlier. Whatever it is, when you feel good about yourself you are less likely to overspend.

You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com