Americans spend more than $22 billion in storage fees each year. Can you believe it? Think about where everyone could be using that money instead, such as paying off debt or enjoying life. Our stuff is taking over. Still, there are some times when we need storage. Here are some ways to save.
Of course, the first thing that I am going to say is that the best way to save on storage is to not need it at all. Really evaluate your stuff, if you have a need for storage. We used storage when we were moving, but you know, I bet we could have downsized half of the stuff we had in storage and saved ourselves some of the cost.
Sometimes the cost of replacing items is less than the cost of storing them. A friend of mind spent $150 a month to store furniture until they were ready to buy a house. Two years later, they wound up buying new furniture for $2,500 that fit their new house better. The cost of storing all of that old furniture they no longer wanted? It cost them $3,750.
Look into storage deals. Many companies will give you the first month of rent free, if you agree to a second or third month of storage. Shop around for rates. Also measure your stuff carefully. You may find that you need a smaller or bigger unit. A smaller unit will save you money over a larger one, while a larger one will save you money over two smaller units.
Look into alternative storage ideas. Ask a friend or relative if they will “rent” out a basement or attic. They may not charge you, especially if the storage is temporary. Even if they do charge you, the cost will probably be less than with a professional storage company. You may even be able to barter for your storage. For example, if you have some yard equipment to store, you can offer use of the equipment in exchange for its storage.
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