I often wonder what my life would have been like if my ex husband and I wouldn’t have gotten married, if we hadn’t had Logan when we did. My life would have been so different. Perhaps some heartache could have been avoided had I not pursued our marriage. I will never know the answer, but I’m not really sure I want to. While my life likely would have been much easier had I chosen differently, I would not be the woman I am today without those decisions. My divorce was the most difficult thing I have ever gone through. I would never want to relive the intensity of those emotions that I felt during that tragic time in my life, but I can honestly say that I wouldn’t change it for anything.
My divorce gave me a second chance at happiness. I had been miserable for so long, that I had forgotten what it was like to feel true happiness. Without my divorce I may not have ever had the opportunity to experience that again. Was it difficult? Yes. Am I still sad some days? Of course. Divorce is difficult. There are so many downsides to trying to raise a child in a broken home. Parenting on your own is often lonely and I am certainly not happy all the time, but through that experience I learned how to take control of my happiness. I learned that I had the strength to pick myself up and overcome adversity.
Because of my divorce my son and I were able to develop a deep emotional bond that simply cannot be broken. We learned to rely on each other when things got tough. I never dreamed that I would have to parent him alone, but I wouldn’t trade that sweet relationship for anything in the world. Divorce is never ideal, but mine was a blessing in my life, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.