Valentine’s Day was definitely a family affair for me. Of course, my daughter does have a boyfriend, so she received some extra gifts. But for the most part we made this a family occasion.
I’m not the “romantic” type when it comes to Valentine’s Day. Actually, I’m not very romantic at any other time either. I am more about loving on my whole family for this holiday.
So when everyone woke up in the morning, there was a card and candy waiting for them. I got the humongous-sized Hershey bars for my children and Swedish Fish for my husband. But I also purchased greeting cards which expressed exactly how I feel about each of them.
Then later on I baked cupcakes, frosted and decorated them. It was a nice dessert after preparing one of their favorite meals, Mexican Lasagna.
Of course, my husband also brought me a dozen roses (which truly are my favorite flowers)…in fact, “The Rose” was our wedding song and it’s also my daughter’s middle name. And he got me a nice card as well.
But there was no special “date” for us. We go out to dinner alone all the time. There were no diamonds (not really big on that kind of jewelry), no wrapped gifts and no real expectations of making this anything else other than a time to spend together as a family.
Yes, it was all pretty simple. But I also believe its creating memories for my children and hopefully a tradition they will pass on down to their children.
Most of their friends don’t receive cards from their parents. Sure, a lot of them receive candy but
I’m a “word” person so I like to take advantage of any opportunity to express to my children how I feel.
It’s a good feeling to come away from yet another holiday and know that although it was simple, it was just right.
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