One of the hardest things to get used to as a single-parent is watching your child drive away every other weekend. My son and I have been together almost 24/7 since he was born, so being away from each other every other weekend has been particularly hard on both of us. I want him to have a good relationship with his dad, but it’s hard to watch him go.
Last night as I was in the shower I found myself missing him pouring water and shaving cream all over my head. Funny, how the things we miss the most are the things that drive us the most crazy when they are here.
I’ve found that one of the things that helps me cope the best on the weekends is to keep myself busy and focused on other things. I can use that time to work on the things that need to be done around the house, etc. so that when he is home we can spend quality time one on one together without the stresses of all of the other things that I need to get done. I’ve also found that it has brought my son and I closer together. When you have your child with you constantly it is easy to take for granted those little moments. You get caught up in every-day life and forget to enjoy the little things about being a parent. When they are gone every other weekend you cherish the time you do have together. Although the quantity is less, the quality is far greater.
As hard as it is to let my son go every other weekend, I am thankful for what it has done for our relationship. I am thankful for every second I do have with him now and I know that our sweet little relationship is getting stronger and stronger. It has been a difficult adjustment for both of us, as it is for many families of divorce, but we will get through it because we always have each other.