When you think about buying in bulk, don’t just think of the warehouse shopping stores. The truth is that you can buy in bulk in many other places, still getting great deals, but avoiding the annual warehouse fee. Here are some of my favorite places to buy in bulk.
Our local Target store is trying out the whole bulk buying trend. They have devoted an entire section in the back to bulk buys. Not only are the prices pretty good, but because they are trying things out and have limited shelf space, they often clearance some of the merchandise to make way for new bulk items. I recently picked up great bargains on hand soap and cereal in this section.
We’ve all known that Amazon.com hasn’t been completely about books for a long time. But did you know that the grocery deals in bulk are amazing? Spend over a certain amount, and you get free shipping, too. Amazon is constantly having specials on their bulk groceries, so keep an eye out for them. What can be more convenient than getting a deal and having it shipped to your door?
Dollar Tree
Go ahead and stock up on your favorite dollar store items. You can go online to place your order. No more worrying about running to the store to get toilet paper, lotions, cleaning supplies, cereal and storage items before they all run out in the week. Order what you want and as much as your need. Have the items ship to the store to save on the shipping cost.
Grocery store
Your local grocery store is usually happy to sell you cases of items, even if they are on sale! This is especially true of the value brand or store brand items. Just find someone in customer service and ask. Even items that normally have a limit on them may be available in bulk, especially if you are stocking up for a good cause, such as a food bank. A friend of mine got boxes of name brand mac and cheese for 25 cents each this way.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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