Cds and DVDs seems to be everywhere in our household. We constantly get them from so many sources. Many are mailed to us, to encourage us to sign up for internet services or preview some great new gadget. We received a CD when we bought house paint, and another in our box of light bulbs. The are CDs slipped into bags when we buy greeting cards, and others when we visit a local fair. Major appliances now come with their own DVDs that explain how to use them. It is getting pretty ridiculous.
But can anything be done with these CDs and DVDs that will contribute to a frugal lifestyle? Here are some suggestions.
You can use the disks at funky drink coasters. Using a CD or DVD as a template, cut out a thin piece of cork or felt and glue it to one side of the disk.
One of our neighbors from our old neighborhood uses the shiny disks to make outdoor holiday ornaments. He simply strings them to the tree branches with red, green, silver and gold ribbon. The winter sun catches them just right to make a pretty display.
If you are having a party or just want a conversation piece, you can use the CD and DVD disks to make a disco ball. simply cut out squares (or any shape you like) and carefully glue them to a Styrofoam ball.
Use the shiny sides of the disks as reflectors. Nail them to your mailbox post, fence-posts, trees that are near a curve, driveways, etc. Or, attach them to bicycles.
If you have a garden, you can use the CDs and DVDs as garden markers. Just write the name of your seed or plants on the disk and glue or nail them to posts. As an added bonus, the shiny surface should keep away the birds and maybe even the deer from your tender plants.
Do you have any other new uses for CDs and DVDs?
Mary Ann Romans also writes for the Computing Blog here at where she shares everything from the latest news on technology to cool downloads and fun websites.
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