My kids and I love working with plaster strips to make crafts. It’s like instant gratification paper mache. Making monsters and animals is one of our favorite things to do with plaster because any way it comes out is good. In fact, the goofier, the better.
This funny guy starts out as mini-size cereal box, a chopstick and a pile of plaster strips, and ends up with a special place in the dog house.
Plaster Dog
You will need:
Plaster wrap (Activa Rigid Wrap is one brand)
Large shallow container for water
Small, empty cereal box
Chopstick, straw or aluminum foil
Acrylic Paint
Paint brush
Googly eyes and glue (optional)
Acrylic sealer (optional)
1. To make the form, cut ears from the sides of the box. To do this, cut down about one inch from the top on the side, across the side, and back up to the top of the box. Pull this flap out to make the ear. Do the same on the other side.
2. Poke a hole in each side of the box and insert the chopstick or straw so it sticks out like arms on each side. Alternatively, use foil to shape arms. Tape in place if necessary.
3. Cut the plaster wrap into strips, about four inches long each. Fill the container with warm water and dip in a strip. Place the strip on the dog form and smooth. Repeat until entire form is covered. (Additional instructions for using the plaster strips are on the package.)
4. Let the plaster dry completely.
5. Paint with acrylic paint and let dry. If you aren’t using googly eyes, paint on eyes and let dry.
6. Spray with acrylic sealer if desired. Let dry completely.
7. Glue on googly eyes.
You can add a collar and tag for extra decoration. Try a cat, rabbit, pig or other silly critter.