It seems as through the holidays get pushed earlier and earlier each year. Last week, I was in a store looking for a basic tablecloth. As soon as I got into the store, I was hit with displays for fall, Halloween and yes, even Christmas. It is till August, right?
Not far behind the store displays will be the tons and tons of catalogues delivered to our homes in the hope that we will browse through and select our holiday gifts, clothing and decor. But catalogues can be a huge waste, especially when you consider how many pounds of catalogues must wind up in your mailbox each year. By some estimates, more than 53 million trees are harvested just for catalogues alone!
I’ll let you decide whether or not catalogues are even worth having (there is online shopping versus the pleasure of browsing through the gorgeous photos). But either way, you are probably going to get more catalogues than you are even interested in having. And any catalogue reduction will be good for the environment.
One way to reduce the number of catalogues you receive is to call the customer service telephone number directly and asked to be removed from the mailing list for that particular retail outfit or service. You can do this as your catalogues come in, or by setting aside a block of time to devote to the process.
There are also services that will do the job for you. Some of these services charge a fee, and some of these services do not. Catalogue Choice is a free service. You’ll still need to have a list of the catalogues you wish to decline, as well as your customer number. Expect to dedicate at least 10 minutes to this task.
Generally, it takes anywhere from one week to ten weeks to get completely removed from a catalogue list, so the earlier you start, the better.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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