The other day Tyler wanted to rent Bridge to Terabithia and I admit I was reluctant to do so as first. I was concerned because one of the main characters, who happens to be a young girl, dies. I read the book years ago when I was in school and although I enjoyed it, I recalled the shock of her death. I also knew that although the book is read in many schools, it has also been on the list of banned books several times. We’ve had the talk about death but mainly in the context of adults dying. Several family members and friends have died over the past years but he has not experienced the death of anyone young. I was concerned that maybe he was too young to watch the movie or might become upset. I finally decided to let him watch it and hope for the best.
I am happy to say I was worried about nothing. He enjoyed the movie. He seemed especially taken with the fantastical elements of the story. Her death didn’t seem to bother him too much. He seemed surprised but not upset. I decided it would be a good idea to make sure he understood that although the movie wasn’t real, kids can die in real life just like adults. My simply straightforward explanation seemed to be enough for him. Of course, I don’t know how he would handle it if someone young that he was close to died. However, we will cross that bridge if and when it happens.
When I was in high school, a classmate was electrocuted. I recall the shock we all felt. Of course, most of us had already experienced death but it was still tough for us. Death is never a welcome guest and I suppose you can never really prepare a child for the inevitable. But we can’t shield them either. I definitely feel better that I talked to him about it.
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Explaining the Concept of Death to a Young Child
Preparing Kids for Aging Grandparents