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States That Will Have State-Based Exchanges

health Part of the Affordable Care Act requires states to have an insurance exchange. People will use the exchanges to find health insurance coverage in 2014. Doing so will prevent people from having to pay a tax for not having insurance. Here is a list of states have started creating an exchange.

When it comes to health insurance exchanges, there are three options. One option is for a state to create its own state-based exchange. Here are some of the states who decided to do this.

Governor Schwarzenegger signed two bills into law in September of 2010 to start the state-based exchange. Governor Brown issued a declaration letter reiterating California’s commitment to the establishment of a state-based exchange on July 10, 2012.

Governor Hickenlooper signed SB 11-200 into law on June 1, 2011, establishing the Colorado Health Benefit exchange. On July 6, 2012, Governor Hickenlooper issued a declaration letter confirming Colorado’s commitment to the establishment of a state-based health insurance exchange.

Governor Malloy signed SB921 into law on July 1, 2011, establishing the Connecticut Health Insurance Exchange. On July 10, 2012, Governor Malloy issued a declaration letter declaring Connecticut’s commitment to the establishment of a state-based exchange.

District of Columbia
The District of Columbia City Council gave final approval to a bill establishing the District of Columbia Health Benefit Exchange Authority. It was signed into law in January of 2012 by Mayor Vincent Gray. On August 8, 2012, Mayor Gray issued a declaration letter reiterating the District of Columbia’s commitment to the establishment of a state-based exchange.

Governor Neil Abercrombie signed SB 1348 into law on July, 11, 2011, establishing the Hawaii Health Connector, a state-based health insurance exchange. On June 13, 2012, Governor Abercrombie issued a declaration letter verifying that Hawaii is establishing a state-based insurance exchange.

On July 10, 2012, Governor Beshear issued a declaration letter stating Kentucky’s commitment to the establishment of a state-run exchange. Governor Steven L. Beshear issued Executive Order 587 establishing the Kentucky Health Benefit Exchange on July 17, 2012.

Governor O’Malley signed SB 182/HB into law on April 12, 2011, establishing the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange. On July 10, 2012, Governor O’Malley issued a declaration letter verifying Maryland’s commitment to the establishment of a state-based health insurance exchange.

On April 12, 2006, Governor Romney signed into law legislation that became the health reform model for national health care reform. On July 10, 2012, Governor Patrick issued a declaration letter verifying that Massachusetts is establishing a state-based health insurance exchange consistent with the Affordable Care Act.

Image by Kate Ter Haar on Flickr

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About Jen Thorpe

I have a B.S. in Education and am a former teacher and day care worker. I started working as a freelance writer in 2010 and have written for many topics here at Families.com.