When I was in elementary school I was heavily involved in competitive gymnastics. I would spend my summers and my afternoons after school at the gym working with my coach,. For a good deal of time my childhood consisted of gymnastics and only gymnastics, much like the life of the main character in “Stick It”.
Stick It is a movie about a girl named Haley. Haley was once a superior gymnast. During the world championship competition she decided to walk out of the competition forfeiting her teams chance of winning.

Rather than continue with gymnastics Haley decides that she would rather spend her days with bikes and taking things often to foolish extremes. Haley’s shenanigans eventually get her in front of a judge where she is forced to choose between going to a military academy or a gymnastics academy. Reluctantly Haley chooses to return to gymnastics; that return being the focus of the film.
Stick It is written by the writer and director of “Bring It On” and has the same type of flair to it in both story line and cinematic style as Bring It On. If you enjoyed Bring It On then you will probably enjoy watching Stick It. The movie is a fun one to watch and will leave young girls empowered to make their own choices and stand up for themselves in everyday life.
That said, Stick It does have some language and a few sexual references so its not a movie you want to take your younger children to. The crude language in this film actually earned it a PG-13 rating however the film may be appropriate for your younger more mature children. If you plan on showing it to a younger child you may want to preview it first.
Children who like “Stick It” will also enjoy the movie “Bring It On”.