Summer is one of my favorite times of the year, not just for the great weather and the easy living but for all of the wonderful free fun that can be had, from free classes to free concerts, free food to free movies. You just have to know where to look. Skip the expense of the summer camp and take advantage of plenty of free fun for the kids instead.
Do some research to find free events. Start local and work your way out. Find out if your town or city has a website or cable channel that lists free events, stop by your town hall or town center, sign up to be on mailing lists with local museums, parks, libraries, churches, the skating or roller rink, the bowling alley and other popular spots. You’ll get alerts and notifications when new free events are available.
You may be surprised at how much is out there to do for free. For example, in my local area, our family can:
- Enjoy free bowling, up to two free games a day for children through the whole summer.
- Tour several historic sites and museums for free
- Watch several free movies in the park
- Witness more fireworks shows than we can count
- Enjoy a fourth of July parade followed by free hotdogs, chips and drinks
- Visit a potato chip factory for free during week days
- Participate in crafts at a local art museum
- Enjoy several outdoor music concerts
- Participate in free workshops at crafts and home improvement stores
- Learn during the Science in the Summer program at the library
- Watch a puppet show, a magician, and win prizes, also at the library
- Watch free kids movies in the theater through a local summer program
- Take advantage of free zoo day at the zoo
- Get free food at a town-wide tasting event
- Get a stained glass tour at a local church
- Feed the ducks at a local pond
- Swim in the neighbor’s pool
- Hike and participate in nature walks.
With the addition of a single annual membership to a local botanical garden, we can also:
- Make several crafts
- Participate in a butterfly release
- Take gardening and kids educational classes
- Enjoy free music concerts
- Plant seeds and seedlings
- Witness fountain shows
- Witness light shows
- and of course, view flowers and plants.
As you can see, the list is definitely long enough too fill an entire summer, all for free!
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