My family and friends have been entering a new season. We now have teens that are of driving age, which opens up more opportunities for them to experience freedom. It is kind of a scary time.
My 16-year-old son still has two more behind-the-wheel lessons and then he is scheduled to take his driving test at the end of January. He already has a car waiting for him, only because we got a great deal from a good friend. While at first I was looking at it as something that will be a convenience, lately I have been struggling to not worry.
That’s because I have been hearing stories from friends whose teens haven’t always been making the right decisions. In fact, one very good friend of mine has a teen that has totally begun to take the wrong path and it really breaks my heart. I have known this boy since he was a toddler.
I know the parents. They are good parents. They have strong values and I truly believe they have given their best. Yet it seems the best isn’t always enough. That is kind of scary. Could the same thing happen to our family?
So far I have been able to really count my blessings. I have one teen who is more than halfway through high school and although there have been some bumps in the road, for the most part it has gone well.
I have another teen that is finishing up her last year of middle school and like my high school teen, while there were bumps; for the most part all has been well. I have only begun middle school with my youngest so there is still time to evaluate but I am going to bank on the same outcomes as my other two.
I don’t say this to brag or to make it sound like I have some kind of inside play on being a parent. While I do credit some of it to our parenting, I also credit it to my children, my church and strong mentors that have been in my children’s lives.
Yet many of those same things that we have offered our teens were the same things offered to some of my friends’ teens and yet they have been having a lot more difficulty.
All I know is that I am not going to be naïve about it. While things have been pretty smooth sailing so far, I am going to remain vigilant and watchful. There is usually one child that keeps things a little more “exciting.”
All I can say is if you have teens and things are going well, be thankful and don’t judge other parents who are maybe going through a more difficult time. Instead, offer to be an encouragement to them. You just never know if your time will come.
If you are a parent who is experiencing difficulties with a teen, remember that this too shall pass. Hold on with everything you’ve got and don’t be afraid to turn to others for encouragement, insight or just a listening ear.
Having a teen brings both blessing and woes. Treasure the blessings and know that the woes won’t last forever.
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With Freedoms Come Responsibility
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