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The Healer / Conciliating Personality Type

The “Healer / Conciliating” Personality type, or the INFP personality type, describes a person who is an Introvert (I), who perceives the world through their Intuition (N), who relies on their Feelings (F) about the people and circumstances involved in a given situation as a basis for decision making, and who views the world from the vantage point of being open to Perceiving (P) ideas that are brand new to them, and different from their own.

If you are an introvert, it means that you are more comfortable focusing on your own inner thoughts and ideas than you are with interacting with a room full of people, especially if you do not know those people very well. You like to use your intuition to give you information that goes beyond the facts of a given situation. You like to use your feelings about the people and circumstances involved in a situation as a guide for your decision making process. You view the outside world by identifying ideas that are new and different to your own, and you are open to hearing about and considering those new ideas.

The parenting style of a person with an INFP personality is characterized by being completely in tune with exactly what your child is feeling, as well as knowing just what your child needs, at all times. You are quick to respond to all the basic needs your child has. This could take the form of making certain that your child has a warm winter coat, hat, and gloves to wear on the way to school in the morning, or by making certain that your child has plenty of food to eat at dinner time. You also respond to your child’s feelings, and are there to provide the hugs and cuddles that he needs, when he needs them. When your child comes to you with a problem, you offer insight into the situation that might help him solve the problem or to avoid having the problem repeat. Once advice is given, you are comfortable letting your child follow his own path, and make his own choices about the situations he faces. You are happiest when you are watching your child enjoying his childhood, and you strive to create pleasant, happy, experiences that will turn into fond memories.

A child who has an INFP parent grows up secure in the knowledge that he is loved. He feels that his parent takes really good care of him, and is confident that his parent will meet all of his physical and emotional needs. He learns to be comfortable with showing physical affection to the people he loves, because he was given lots of hugs when he needed them. It’s possible that this child will learn to intuit when someone else needs a hug, and will be quick to give it if he can. He knows that he can talk with his INFP parent whenever he needs advice, and he understands that the advice is not a command. This child has had plenty of time to explore his world, and learn from it in his own way. He grows up with a lot of wonderful memories from childhood.

If your child has an INFP personality, he will feel compelled to choose a career that focuses on helping other people. He will not shy away from situations that require hard work. He might become a Teacher, or a College Professor. Other choices include Human Resources, Research, or even a Designer.