I work at an elementary school after-school program part-time. One of the electives children can choose in “Computers’ and I often find myself in the computer lab after school supervising 20-25 children playing in the computer lab. On days when other elective teachers are on vacation, or when it’s raining outside, children will often fight for one of the open slots in the computer class.
When I was in elementary school I can remember really liking going to computer class. I was a huge fan of the video game “Oregon Trail” and I can remember looking forward to days when I would have the opportunity to play it. At no point in my childhood however can I remember a time when I would have chosen playing on a computer over going outside with my friends, or even reading a good book.
So, what’s changed in the last twenty or so years that has made computers such a hot spot for younger children? What was the turning point that made computers popular for kids?
In my opinion the internet was to some extent what has made computers so popular. I know the internet has made a huge impact on everyone’s computer use, but even the internet has its entertainment limits in my opinion.
Children today sue the internet to play games, a few kids in my class actually have stuffed animals called “Webkins” that have internet personalities as well. For those children, the computer, and the internet is a portal to their pet’s life.
One of the other teachers in my class were talking about this the other day, and she noted that the children have started to think like computers to some extent. Growing up using computers, they automatically think A+B =C, they tend to stray away from using their imaginations to solve problems.
What do you think has caused the “Kid Computer Revolution,” and more importantly, Is it a good thing?
Image by: thedrum.com