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The Performing / Demonstrating Personality Type

The “Performer / Demonstrating” Personality Type, or the ESFP personality type, describes a person who is an Extrovert (E), who perceives the world through Sensing (S), who relies on their Feelings (F) about the people and circumstances involved in a given situation as a basis for decision making, and who views the world from the vantage point of being open to Perceiving (P) ideas that are brand new, and different from, their own.

If you are an extrovert, you enjoy interacting with the outside world around you, as well as with the people in it. You thrive from this interaction, and very much prefer it to being alone with your own thoughts. You like to use your five senses to identify what the facts of a given situation are, but you like to use your feelings about the people and the circumstances involved in a given situation as a guide for your decision making process. You view the outside world by identifying ideas that are new and different to your own, and are open to hearing about and considering those new ideas.

The parenting style of a person with an ESFP personality is one that comes from love, and a strong bond with your children. You are full of energy, and you enjoy using your energy to really jump in and engage in playtime with your child. You are not the parent who takes their child to the park, and then watches that child while sitting on a bench. You are the parent who is out there playing tag, rolling in the grass, and pushing your child on the swing. It is obvious that you truly enjoy spending time with your child. All this quality time makes you extremely aware of your child’s feelings, and you respond to those feelings immediately, providing exactly the hug or high five that your child needs from you in that moment. You are the parent that truly shares and feels every joy or pain that your child feels, and it all affects you very deeply. You like to expose your child to a wide and varied range of experiences, and this includes helping them to meet new people.

A child who grows up with an ESFP parent knows that he is loved, and feels the love that comes from his parent very deeply. He will grow to develop a strong bond with his ESFP parent, which may continue long past childhood. He has many warm and fuzzy memories of his childhood, where his ESFP parent played with him, and made him feel better when he was sad or disappointed. He learns that the world is filled with enjoyable experiences, and become confident about exploring new things. He learns how to meet new people, and becomes empathetic with the people he cares about.

A child who has an ESFP personality will look for a career that provides many moments of instant gratification and pleasure. He will seek out careers that allow him to use his natural empathy to enhance his skills, and will want a career that allows him to help people who really need it. As an adult, a person with an ESFP personality will become a Elementary Teacher, an Emergency Room Nurse, a Child Care Provider, or a Veterinarian. Or, he might become an Actor, or a Musician.