I woke up this morning in a good mood. I had been fighting off allergies or a cold, but I slept well last night. I happily came into work, looking forward to the weekend, the short workweek, and the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday.
Then, the unimaginable happened. I logged into Facebook and saw that Hostess is shutting down.
In case you aren’t aware, Hostess Brands, Inc. is the largest wholesale distributor of bakery goods in the U.S. They are the makers of Wonder Bread, Ding Dongs, Nature’s Pride (I love that bread!), Ho Ho’s, Sno Balls (which I never liked – sorry Hostess), Drake’s Devil Dogs, Zingers (my travel snack food of choice) and the beloved Twinkie, deep fried or otherwise.
What could cause such an inconceivable human tragedy as the loss of Twinkies? A strike by the bakers of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM). How did tobacco workers get in with bakers?
Anyhow, the strike that killed Ding Dongs began on November 9th after the company said it need to cut employee salaries as well as benefits. CEO Gregory Rayburn said, “We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike.” in a statement today. The Hostess bankruptcy puts 18,500 employees out of work (effective at the end of today’s workday) and no doubt millions into a complete sugar panic. Children’s lunchboxes all over America (including my son’s – he loved their mini brownies) are in mourning.
Yes, the green blogger in me wants to be happy that the union workers fought for themselves and the health blogger in me wants to rejoice at the end of this sugar filled, diabetic inducing snack producing company. But, I can’t.
It appears as if the Mayans were right and this is truly the year of the end of civilization.
Now you know I jest, but seriously, this did make me sad today. However, all may not be lost. Hostess will put their assets up for auction and some company may buy them and give Twinkies a second life.
The other day, I saw a box, not a mere three-pack, mind you, but a BOX of chocolate zingers, my person Achilles heel in the snack food arena. I am trying to diet, so I managed to walk away, but this afternoon, I may go back, get that box, and enjoy what may be my last Zingers ever.