I’m a day late with this one, but I hope you will forgive me anyway, especially since I think the topic is not only important, but participating is actually fun. Maybe you have even heard of it before and have been practicing it yourself. If you haven’t, give it a try.
For the last couple of years, my friends and I have made November a month in which we really concentrate on all of the blessings in our lives. Using Facebook, and sometimes email, we post something new each day, something that we are truly grateful for in our lives. The posts range from the serious and profound, such as being thankful that a loved one is free from cancer to the more esoteric but rewarding, such as having dark chocolate available after a tough day.
Sometimes we are each other’s blessings, such as when one friend drops off outgrown clothing for the child of another or some fresh-baked pumpkin bread mysteriously appears on a doorstep. I think some of those friend to friend blessings can be the best. Not only are we grateful and thankful, but we get to concoct ways be a blessing for someone else, a small reason for a friend to be thankful on a particular day.
Practicing thankfulness should go hand in hand with practicing frugal living. When you are thankful each day, you realize that you don’t need as much as you thought you did, bountiful family dinners at home are much better (and cheaper) than fancy dinners out, that you have a sentimental spot for your old television and lived in couch and really don’t need the latest and the greatest versions of these things. You can take pleasure in baking your own bread or he fact that your couponing is helping to provide for your family.
I invite you to take the challenge with me. Post something that you are thankful for each day.
Related Articles:
When You Need a Gratitude Boost
Extending the Life of Your Food