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Can You Drink Coffee During Pregnancy?

cupHave you noticed that when you are pregnant, the whole world seems to be watching you eat? Not only that, but everyone feels free to comment on what they see you eating. It can be downright infuriating because no matter what it is – healthy, unhealthy, large or small, the general idea behind all of the comments is that you are doing this whole pregnancy eating thing wrong. Unfortunately for pregnant women, everyone in society has his or her own idea about what pregnant women should and should not be eating. There are a few things that truly are unsafe to eat or drink during pregnancy and the list of those things is something that most obstetricians and midwives discuss with their pregnant patients very early in the pregnancy. Trust in the information provided by your prenatal care provider, because they are required to stay informed of the most up to date information regarding pregnancy safety and nutrition, but I digress. We were talking about those nosy people who are watching you eat.

One food item that can be the cause of many a judgmental stare is coffee. Coffee tastes good. Coffee tastes really good when you are tired, which tends to happen a lot during pregnancy. Is it safe to drink coffee while you are pregnant? Unfortunately, there is no real consensus on this issue.

The March of Dimes suggests that pregnant women should consume 200 milligrams or less of caffeine each day. That is approximately the amount of caffeine in one, twelve ounce cup of coffee. Excessive caffeine intake has been shown in some studies to be associated with miscarriage, yet other studies have shown no correlation. Other studies have associated caffeine with decreased blood flow to the placenta and other things. Do be aware that coffee is acidic and can aggravate heartburn. I have experienced that, and it is not pretty. It hurts just to think back on that.

Perhaps the best way to go with drinking coffee during pregnancy is to play it safe. I am not a doctor, nor do I pretend to be, but I do consider the March of Dimes to be a credible source of pregnancy related health advice. One cup of coffee a day seems to be generally acceptable, but cutting it out altogether most days could help you to feel better. Fortunately, since a little coffee seems to be safe, you can indulge your craving once in a while. If there are any judgmental onlookers, you get to decide whether to look the other way or to let your hormones do the talking.