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Materials to Encourage Spiritual Growth in Kids

All the materials below are ebooks and can be downloaded in an instant!

The ABC’s For Godly Children is a comprehensive, Bible eCurriculum centered around teaching children ages 4-10 about the God they serve and how to have a heart like His.
By using each letter of the alphabet a Bible lesson is presented in an understandable and interactive format to teach core truths concerning the Gospel, Godly Character, and Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Your children will learn their ABC’s and a necessary Biblical foundation as they connect them through Scripture memorization, detailed lessons, simple crafts, and interactive song.   ~$8.00 each

The Dig for Kids is a simple and easy way for parents to study through books of the Bible with their children. The Dig takes the guesswork out of teaching for parents. Each lesson is just one page that contains four main parts:

The Map – The Map is the overview of each lesson. It will tell you as a parent and your child what you will be studying.

The Dig – The Dig is the main passage of the Bible you will be reading. There are typically three or four review questions that will help with discussion and review.


Write Through the Bible is a series of copywork printables designed for an entire school year, combining the disciplines of handwriting, dictation, Scripture memory, and vocabulary into one daily activity.

Find different bible chapters for $5.00 and some freebies on the site!

KJV editions are in the works so keep checking in with them.

biblical lesson plan

Princess Training: for the King’s Glory, is a unit study designed to encourage young girls {7-13}to glorify God through their lives and understand their role as a daughter of the King. Can be modified for younger or older girls and works great for a group study. Each lesson contains a short devotional, discussion, and activity. Included is a list of memory verses relating to each chapter.


biblical lesson plan

Armor of God Mini Unit Study: Children will love learning about the Armor of God with this interactive mini unit study that includes copywork, scripture study, discussion section,vocabulary, and activities. The study is recommended for K-3rd grade.


Balcony Girls teaches pre-teen and teen girls about the deeper meaning of friendships, how to grow their faith, and how to stand by their friends during these difficult years as a growing girl.

Each Balcony Girls afternoon consists of a lesson, craft or snack idea, a game or object lesson that goes along with the study, and tips, ideas and instruction on how to make it all personally impacting for the girls.
