Single cup coffee makers are one of the most popular small appliances around, especially the ones that use little pods or cups and brew your coffee with one push of a button.
Making your own coffee at home instead of buying it out can save you money, especially if you like fancy coffees. Many of the new single cup coffee makers can make espresso, latte, even hot chocolate and tea, so they can give you more options than the traditional drip coffee maker. These machines do tend to produce coffee that costs more per cup, so go with a regular coffee maker if price is your only concern.
I have owned one of these machines myself for a couple of years. I like my coffee, although my husband doesn’t, so the little single cup coffee maker is a nice compromise.
If you are considering purchasing a single cup coffee maker or upgrading the one you have, the first thing to do is a cost comparison. Then you can select your perfect machine based on both features and price.
To complicate matters, some pods or cups produce more coffee than others, anywhere from six to 16 ounces, making cost comparison a little difficult. In addition, since several companies produce k-cups or pods,
Still, here is some information about the most popular coffee machines and how much they will cost you for your cup of coffee.
The price for the actual coffee will cost you anywhere from $.57 per regular 16-ounce cup to $.89 per regular 16-ounce cup. In comparison, good quality coffee beans for a traditional drip coffee maker will cost about $.38 per 16-ounce cup.
There is the cost of the single cup coffee machine itself. Models range from $66 to more than $300 depending on the brand and the features.