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Scoop That Poop!

I never understood why people don’t clean up after their dogs.

Just because your dogs use the bathroom outside, it doesn’t mean that you should just leave the poop there. Not only would it be disgusting if someone happened to step in it and drag it into their house, but also it’s a health risk for every other dog who happens to walk on that path.

According to the BBC, in the UK hundreds of people were fined after their dogs eliminated on the pavement. I think this is a step in the right direction.

I remember a few months ago when my neighborhood sent out notices about cleaning up after pets. It’s sad that it was even necessary to do that.

There are so many convenient things that make it a snap to pick up poop. Of course there is the traditional pooper scooper. There are also small poop bags that you can carry with you. I remember watching TV and seeing a product that hardened the poop so you could just pick it up with your hands (I don’t know if I like that one).

I was going to make a joke and say that you could always hire someone to clean up after your dog, but that’s already an option! The Poop Masters is a dog waste clean up service. They’ll not only walk your dog but they’ll pick up the poop too! They also offer urine removal treatments for your grass.

Are you still not convinced to pick up the poop? Well, animal feces can be contaminated with parasites such as roundworm and hookworm; and these worms can be transmitted to humans.

Also, be fair. If you are in a public walking area, park, hiking trail or neighborhood then realize that those areas do not belong to you and your dog. Other people have to use those areas too and they should not have to worry about sitting or stepping in that mess. Dog poop is not a part of nature!