I hope maybe one person might learn from my mistakes. But, the truth is that we all have to make our own as we become first-time Moms. So, maybe you won’t take my advice, and that’s OK. Because by NOT taking my advice, you took it, in a way. Remember what I said in part II of this series about trusting YOUR gut? And, for the first 4 tidbits in this series you can go here.
Well, last, but certainly not least, are my final three things I learned from my mistakes as a first-time Mom.
8. Don’t buy a baby bathtub or a highchair. This is just a practical one. Oh the baby stuff you think you need, but you really don’t. My biggest two things that I think are a waste is the baby bathtub and the highchair. I used a bath sling instead. By 6 or 7 months old, you can just fill up the real bathtub with a little water and let your baby splash to his heart’s content. The highchair? I’ve always used a portable one attached to a chair. Love it and it makes so much more sense. And, it can be put away easily until the next baby comes along. Wait to open things until you need them. Because the truth is, you might not need them at all. Then, you can return them for something you really do need. Like diapers.
9. Not everyone loves breastfeeding, and the weight doesn’t just “fall off” all people. This was one that I really had a hard time with the first time around. It was emotional. I was emotional. But, was I loving it at first? Not really. In fact, I felt like a milk machine. Leaking and swollen. It was not pretty. But, I was confused because from what everyone said, it was all bonding, happy times, and love. And, the weight? It didn’t fall off of me at all. In fact, I couldn’t lose weight until I weaned my little ones. BUT, hang in there and it will be worth it.
10. It is normal to be sad after the baby comes, and maybe think, “What did I do?!” Motherhood is difficult. Especially first-time motherhood. It’s OK to feel sad. It’s OK to want a life. It’s OK to think, “I really wanted to do THIS all day?” You will get in the groove of motherhood. You will love it some days and hate it some days. But, you are still a good Mom. The best one out there for your baby, in fact.
*Photo courtesy of Morguefile.com