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10 Things I Didn’t Do Before I Had a Preschooler

1. Locate every bathroom in a ten foot radius wherever I am. When you have a preschooler you need to be aware of every bathroom as you enter or you could run into serious problem.

2. Read The Foot Book every night for two months. I think I have several children’s books memorized by now.

3. Watch Dora the Explorer. It is amazing how many children’s shows I have been introduced to ever since having little kids. I have witnessed two Steve characters, the ending of The Wiggles, and the beginning of The Fresh Beat Band.

4. Have Play Doh crusted in my carpet. Play Doh has always been a favorite activity in my house. The problem is the cleaning up. It never fails that some Play Doh ends up on the floor. Of course when you first notice it smashed in the floor it is impossible to clean it up. You are supposed to wait for it to dry. Yes, that does make it easier but that is no guarantee it will not forever be a part of your decor.

5. Go to the bathroom with an audience. It is a luxury to go to the bathroom alone once you have children.

6. Stay up late just to get some quiet time. The days can be long and noisy. Sometimes the only peace and quiet I get is after the kids are in bed.

7. Get excited for sandboxes, wading pools, and blowing bubbles. I tend to love and get excited about whatever my kids love and get excited about.

8. Having to tell someone not to eat a piece of candy found on the floor.

9. Explaining that a broken cookie is just as good as a non-broken cookie.

10. Distributed band aids to ease pain and a sense of anxiety over a slight boo boo.