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10 Tips for Eating Your Way Through the 4th of July

I imagine that if you are American, you likely have plans this weekend. I further suppose that your plans include food. . .lots of it. My mother-in-law, who I swear is somehow related to Martha Stewart via some type of home organizing gene, puts out quite the spread for the 4th of July. I haven’t spoken with her but I have visions of bratwurst, chicken, cheeseburgers, no less than 3 or 4 desserts, potato salad, and the list goes on. (She actually puts on quite the spread for any holiday. . .)

However, a day of binging can set you back several pounds depending on how bad you are. To top it off, you’ll probably be too busy to exercise. So follow these tips for a healthier and leaner 4th of July that won’t set you back on your weight loss goals.

1. Drink more water. One 8 ounce glass of soda has 100 calories. You could ‘spend’ those 100 calories on a dessert or an extra portion of something delicious. Besides that, water is better for hydration on hot days.

2. Use alternatives. Have to have the juicy cheeseburger? Fine but snack on fruits and vegetables instead. You can significantly cut calories in your ‘grazing buffet’ by replacing certain portions of your meal with healthier alternatives. Choose a reasonable portion of your favorite food and then fill the rest of your plate with salad.

3. Have a giant salad. Not potato salad but a big, huge, leafy green salad about one hour before dinner. You won’t be as hungry and therefore won’t eat as much junk food.

4. Plan some family games into your day. Maybe you won’t get your heart pumping like you would if you were working out on your own, but some burnt calories are better than none.

5. Everything in moderation. Go ahead and have a little of everything you want. For example, if you know your meal will consist of potato salad, a cheeseburger, and apple pie. . .have it all. Just have smaller portions of it: half a cheese burger, a small scoop of potato salad, and a small slice of apple pie.

6. Skip the bun. One easy way to cut calories while eating is to forgo the bun.

7. Don’t take home any leftovers. Really, you can leave them there no matter how tasty they were. Leave them there and don’t look back. Your gut will thank you for it.

8. Fruit makes a great dessert! You can go lo-cal on the dessert front by having something like strawberries, blueberries and low fat whipped cream. Watermelon is another fruit that makes a great dessert.

9. Go vegetarian. There are lots of burger substitutes out there like Boca Burger or Veggie Burger. When they’re grilled, I think they taste the same as the real stuff.

10. Don’t stand to talk near the food. Think about it. You’re casually enjoying talking with someone and without you consciously realizing it, your hand is wandering over the crackers as you nod to show you’re listening. Instead, go sit somewhere away from the food to talk.