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10 Tips Regarding Inspections

Your house is on the market. Here are 10 Tips to take note of before, or during, an inspection.

1. Before inspections put flesh flowers in vases on tables. Cook fresh bread or something else that gives a homely smell to the place, or the smell of fresh coffee brewing is good. Pot pourri or a scented candle is also a good idea.

2. Bathrooms in particular need to be immaculate and sweet smelling. The same applies to laundries, with dirty clothes ticked away out of sight.

3. Closets, kitchen cupboards and pantry need to be tidy. Prospective buyers will open doors. If they look cluttered and messy buyers will reach the conclusion there is not enough closet space.

4. It’s not only pet hair needs to be removed. So do the pets. We always took our dog for a walk when inspections were due. There’s nothing worse than going to a house and having the dog or cat fall all over you or bark or yap, especially if you don’t like cats or dogs. Often houses with an animal inside can have an odor which the owner doesn’t notice but others coming in do.

5 Leave the agent if you are using one, to show the house and don’t hover but keep out of the way – maybe go out into the back yard. Better still get out of the house. You and your spouse go for a walk, sit in the park, and use it as a time to talk about your plans and dreams and each other.

6. Soft music can be soothing and provide a relaxing ambience.

7. Make sure the TV is turned off.

8. Make sure the agent has all the keys needed to access areas like garage or shed.

9. If the weather is cold leave the heating on, if it is warm put on the air-conditioning the cooling system or open windows to allow a breeze. You want you prospective buyers to feel comfortable.

10. Make sure the property is free of cobwebs inside and out. I can’t believe the condition of some houses we saw with huge spider webs left hanging around that had to be dodged.

Next time I’ll give a few pointers for after your home is sold and you’re already to buy.

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