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12 Creative Date Night Ideas That Won’t Break the Budget

nullIs your marriage feeling stale? It’s easy to get so caught up with the everyday that we forget to make time for each other and to make each other feel special. To bring the romance back, here are some suggestions for date nights that won’t break the budget.

1. Turn off the lights and light candles. Turn off the TV and put on some romantic music. Curl up on the sofa with perhaps a glass of wine and listen to music.

2. Pack a picnic dinner and head for a favorite beach. Watch the moon rise over the water. After dinner take a walk along the beach.

3. Take a ferry ride.

4. Can’t afford dinner out? Have a romantic candlelight dinner at home. Then go out for a coffee or ice cream later.

5. Remember what it feels like to dance together. Put some music on the CD player and dance.

6. Take a trip down memory lane. Get out your photos from your married life together and reminisce. It will soon start you talking about, remember when…. You might even get photos sorted that aren’t in albums.

7. Go to a lookout and watch the sunset.

8. Read love poems to each other. If you’re feeling inspired, try writing your own poem. Even if you can’t write a poem, you can tell them why you love them.

9. Sit and talk. Share your hopes and dreams. Talk about plans for the future.

10. Look back over old love letters and read them to each other. In our garage we have a large box of letters written during the time we were engaged and apart, as well as a few from one time in out married life when Mick had to be away for a few weeks. Recently while cleaning out the garage I read one I’d written to him and thought, ‘Oh my goodness, how over the top is that!’ Then I remembered when the letter was written and it was easy to understand why. One time soon, we’re going to get them all out and spend a night reading them to each other.

11. Watch a romantic movie together.

12. Put on candles, perfume and sexy underwear and well… you know what comes next.

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