We all know how important it is to read to our kids. I generally spend about an hour a night reading to Tyler, and he reads one book to me most days, usually right after he finishes his homework. Worried that you’re not spending enough time reading to your child? The good news is you don’t have to carve out a large block of time to read to your kids. You can “sneak” reading activities into your child’s day. Here are a few ways to add 15-minute reading activities, according to the latest issue of Family Education Network newsletter:
(1) While you are driving, point out billboards and other interesting signs along the way. (This includes interesting vanity license plates).
(2) Turn off the TV early (or don’t turn it on) and read a good book instead.
(3) Have a few good books on tape for times when you are just too tired to read.
(4) Label items in your children’s room when they are first learning to read.
(5) If you have to go some place where you may have to wait a long time, take along a book to read to your child.
(6) Here’s one I do a lot with Tyler. When cooking with your child, read the recipe or instructions to them. (Plus, you sneak a little math in also!).
(7) Read labels and signs as you shop for groceries and then read the labels again as you put the groceries away once you arrive home.
(8) Here’s one I really like. If you’re away on a business trip (or otherwise away from your child), take a few books with you and then call your child and read to them over the phone.
(9) Slip fun things into your pocket and bring them home with you from work. Use this as a special time you can share with your kids each day. It could be a comic strip, a fortune cookie from lunch, a greeting card, etc.
(10) If your child begs to stay up a little longer, allow them to do so but only if you use that time to read a book together.
See also:
Suggested Reading List For Kindergarteners
Finding Books For Family Storytime