If the clutter never actually gets into your home, well then you’ll never have to deal with it at all. Many things we do automatically can lead to clutter. Here are three things to look out for that will keep the clutter from actually entering.
I get a lot of free magazines. Sometimes I have more than I can actually take the time to read. Since they were starting to pile up a bit, I took the time the other day to gather a bunch of them into a paper grocery bag. I first asked a friend of mine if she would like them. Her response? She already had enough clutter. While initially I admit that I was a little offended, she did have a point. The magazines could be a source of clutter, and she was smart not to let them into her home.
Forget the Freebies
Don’t automatically take something just because it is free. Whether it is stuff from friends, tote bags, pens, notepads, promotional CDs or even kids meal toys, there is no reason that you have to have it. We stopped bringing home crayons from restaurants when our crayon box was filled, for example. A good rule of thumb is that if you wouldn’t spend any money for it, then don’t bring it home. If necessary, have a bag or box set up in your car for donation and put these items in the box. When the box is full, donate it.
Don’t Go into the Target
A long distance friend of mine who blogs complains about not being able to go in and out of a Target store without spending a lot of things that she didn’t know that she needed in the first place. For her, a Target store was a temptation to bring home all sorts of stuff. If you have this kind of store in your life, you may just need to go cold turkey and stay away from it. Find out where your biggest source of new clutter purchases and then eliminate it. Perhaps it is catalogues, the shopping channel or online stores.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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