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2009 Church Lesson Schedule

Each year the church changes the curriculum that is being taught for the various organizations. It is done on a rotating basis so that we cover all books of scripture in Gospel Doctrine every four years. The Primary goes through a similar rotation schedule as well. Additionally the youth theme and Primary theme changes each year.

This year the adults will be studying Church History this year in Gospel Doctrine. This will focus primarily on teachings from the Doctrine and Covenants. Sunday school classes for youth fourteen and older will use the same manual as the adults. The youth who are twelve and thirteen will be learning from The Presidents of the Church manual. Relief Society and Priesthood lessons will continue to be out of the Teachings of Joseph Smith manual.

The theme for the youth this year is “Be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). Sunday lessons for the young men and young women will be from manual 1 for each organization. There is additional resource information available at each organization’s section on the website. Additionally the young women are likely to focus more on the new value of virtue.

The Primary theme for this year is “My Eternal Family.” This theme will be divided into twelve smaller topics that will be covered each month in sharing time during Primary. The nursery will be taught out of the new nursery manual, and Sunbeams will be taught out of the Sunbeam manual. All of the CTR classes (Junior Primary) will be taught out of the Choose the Right Manual B. All of the Valiant classes (Senior Primary) will be taught out of the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History manual.

These schedules allow everyone in the church to be taught the same lessons each week. It is comforting to know that no matter where you go, you will receive the same lessons each week. You can also carry the themes and lessons into your family home evening lessons throughout the year.

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