OK, here I am with 24 hours left to my Hollywood 48 Hour Miracle Diet.
In my first hour on the diet I had a headache. I think that was from all of the natural sugars in the juice. I got over it.
Eight hours into it and I was hungry. (I generally follow the Zone Diet and eat every 3 hours so when I say hungry, I’m talking visions of bacon double cheeseburgers!)
Nine hours into it and I could tell my blood sugar was low because I was tired and cold in a room where the temperature was 74 degrees.
After the first day, I woke up and checked my progress. I’d lost a whopping POUND! Let me tell you, when you wake up to a weight loss of only one pound after fasting for a day you just don’t feel like it is worth it. Know what I mean?
Here it is, my second night of fasting and I am really ready to be done with this. These are the few things getting me through:
1. My mantra: Nothing tastes like slim feels.
2. I don’t want to waste the $14.84 I spent on this ridiculous bottle of juice.
3. I continue to hope like a fool that I’ll drop 9 pounds while I sleep tonight!
Take a lesson here, folks.
Fad diets stink and fasting diets really stink!
Fasting has been a common practice for ages. People do it to cleanse their systems or even for religious reasons. The difference between that and fasting to lose weight is that there is a deeper meaning to it all. I could fast for God and I could fast for a healthier body but knowing that this fast is breaking down my lean body mass and making my muscle to fat ratio that much smaller just for the loss of a measly pound is really ticking me off!
Just past midpoint on this diet, I can honestly say that it isn’t worth it…
but I’ll let you know the final verdict tomorrow.