I have Type II Diabetes, or, as my doctor likes to call it, “Hoof and Mouth Disease.” When I first started testing my blood, the monitor was clunky and it was difficult to get the blood in just the right place for a reading. It wasn’t uncommon for me to have to stick twice.
Your fingertips are one of the most sensitive parts of your body, able to pick up the slightest difference in texture or temperature. So poking them with a needle isn’t exactly a party. Fortunately, both the monitors and lancets (the needles) have gotten better over the years. I have a Lite Touch monitor now with a forearm option. Instead of the bee-sting-like poke in the fingertips, it’s a little painless prick in an area with fewer nerve endings. These improvements aren’t altruistic; with more than eighteen million Americans purchasing diabetic testing supplies, each company is looking to increase its market share by making the testing more convenient and less painful. Thank you!
If you’re a Type II Diabetic and would like to participate in some market research from one of these companies, Resolution Research is conducting an online survey to gather information. The survey is long and takes about 30 minutes to complete. The questions are personal, but the information is confidential and results are aggregated.
As a thank you, the company will send a $25 gift card.
I have friends who make substantial amounts every month filling out surveys. I don’t think I have the patience for that, but for one that’s going to possibly be helpful to my health as well as my wallet, I’ll make time.
To participate in the study, phone 800-800-0905 9-9 Mountain Time and tell them you’d like to participate in the Diabetes Study. If you’re interested in general surveys they have or would like to be part of a different study, you can sign up at Resolution Research.