Having a nice wreath for the holiday season doesn’t have to cost you much or even anything at all. Use these five fun ideas to make your own festive Christmas wreaths.
I was looking in an LL Bean catalogue today. I love looking through all of those beautiful full-color glossy pages, not really to buy anything, but to get ideas for my home that inspire low-cost alternatives. The Christmas wreath is one of those products that I found can cost a lot less when you make it yourself. A balsam wreath with a cherry red bow can cost somewhere around $50.
Instead, I think i will try one of these five ideas for a jolly wreath.
1. For a traditional Christmas wreath, gather natural items outside. We are fortunately enough to have a wooded backyard that has plenty of evergreen trees. I can cut some evergreen branches and weave them together into a pretty wreath that will also smell wonderfully. And the cost to us will be free.
You can always ask a neighbor or your town for some branches, if you don’t have any. You can often buy evergreen branches from a nursery for a third of the cost of a pre-made wreath.
2. For a modern look, try this idea I once saw in a magazine. You can use an old cork collection to make a funky wreath. Just use an inexpensive hay wreath as a base and hot glue the corks to the wreath. You’ll want to glue them length-wise across the wreath, so the corks lay nicely. If you don’t have your own cork collection, you can purchase a bunch of them online for less than $2.
3. Create a rag wreath. Cut rags or outgrown clothing into short strips. Then tie the strips to a wreath form. You can also use a wire hanger that has been bent into a wreath shape. This creates a nice country or rustic look, and it is all for free.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.
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