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3 Safety Devices You Must Have. . .

. . .that you might’ve overlooked. Yesterday I talked about safety devices for the baby that you probably don’t need. For some reason in our culture, we tend to feel like we need to get all sorts of gadgets to keep bubs safe, and consequently, parents sometimes feel over confident. You can replace most of your safety gadgets with good parenting and watching your child. After all, a watchful eye is the best way to prevent accidents. With that said, here are 3 safety gadgets you simply cannot live without and must check before the baby gets home.

A Smoke Detector

What caused me to think of this is that our own actually ran out of batteries this week. Everyone needs a smoke detector. Firemen report that it is very well the difference between life and death. It is best to buy the kind that plug into the wall if possible and to get the kind that detects both smoke and carbon monoxide.

A Water Filter

I have to admit, this might not be on everybody’s must have list depending on where your water source is. However, I would definitely consider testing your water before baby comes and considering a filter system as well. I’ve actually thought this way before the recent report came out claiming that our water is filled with a variety of prescription medications. Why? A close friend had children who tested positive for lead. Despite their residence being newly painted, they had the apartment abated. . .and repainted just to be sure. Still, the children’s lead levels were higher than the doctor preferred. As you’re probably guessing, their drinking water was the culprit. Water that goes through pipes can pick up lead. . .among other things. . .and so a water filter is not a bad idea.

A Gate

Yesterday I wrote about a refrigerator lock as an unnecessary piece of equipment for safety. A gate however, can be essential. (In fact, depending on your home, several gates might be what’s needed.) Teaching mobile tots that there are places they are not to go (like the kitchen for example) can be a good thing. Keeping them out while cooking can prevent burns and also teach them as they get older to be careful in the kitchen. The kitchen is but just one example. . .but putting a gate by the stairs, putting a gate in the room that you are in or putting a gate to keep your baby out of a room are all excellent strategies that don’t restrict mobility like a play pen does.

I’m sure I could write more about safety devices that you need. After all, most accidents can be prevented and preventing an accident is the absolute best way to deal with it. But these three should be at the top of every household list where there is a baby.

Valorie Delp shares recipes and kitchen tips in the food blog, solves breastfeeding problems, shares parenting tips, and current research in the baby blog, and insight, resources and ideas as a regular guest blogger in the homeschooling blog. To read more articles by Valorie Delp, click here.

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