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4 Keys to Weight Loss

Now that I’ve been blogging for awhile in the weight loss category, I’ve read quite a few articles, studies and just plain opinion on losing weight. I qualify it into two categories: the ‘magic bullets’ of weight loss which are really not that magical. And then there’s the other category which makes weight loss slower, but leads to overall health and frankly makes a lot more sense. These four things seem to keep cropping up over and over again, so I thought I would summarize what seem to be the best things to keep in mind while losing weight.

Key #1 Sugar is NOT Your Friend

I should copy this and paste it up all over my house. I love sugar. I love to bake. . .with sugar. But as we all know, sugar is simply empty calories. There are no nutritional benefits to the cowboy cookies that I made yesterday–they’re just tasty. But what they do is fill me up so that I don’t eat more healthy foods later. Avoid sugar as much as possible. If you’re using something like the 80/20 rule, then plan your treats so that they’re small.

Key #2 Exercising in the Morning is Helpful

The jury is still out as to whether or not this is entirely true, but enough sources say it that I’ve decided to include it here. First of all, exercising in the morning ensures that you won’t be too tired to do it later. Secondly, many studies show that exercising in the morning boosts metabolism. This really does make sense if you think about it. Also, in theory, your body turns to fat stores if you exercise in the morning rather than any energy it’s had during the day.

Key #3 Weight Training Is a Good Weight Loss Tool

The fact is that muscle burns more calories than does fat. So if you make strength training a regular part of your routine, that muscle that you build will burn more fat. On a side note, if you’ve ever heard of Jorge Cruise’s 8 minute work outs, they work on this principle.

Key #4 Diet is the Biggest Factor in Determining Weight Loss

Revamping your unhealthy diet is what will help you overhaul your health. Eating healthily will sustain your energy, help you lose weight and improve your overall health.

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