Parents have a huge responsibility in raising their children. Christian parents have even the greater responsibility of raising their children in the Lord. While there are countless experiences, lessons, and pieces of wisdom which Christian parents must teach to their children, I have chosen five which I think are vitally important to raising children in the Lord. These lessons are necessary for children to make the lifelong decision to serve the Lord when they are older. I plan to write extensively about each of these lessons in the next few blogs I write.
- Christian parents must teach their children that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. In the Bible class I teach, I have been hammering this idea in the past few weeks. At first, it was a little difficult to understand because it is an abstract concept, even for adults, but it is something that can be understood by children at some level. As children grow up they will develop a deeper understanding of the Bible as the Word of God.
- Christian parents must teach their children that the Bible is the ultimate authority and standard. The Bible is truth, and as they grow up, children must realize that it is the standard by which we will all be judged.
- Christian parents must teach their children the importance of dating Christians. Children must first realize that they are going to marry someone they date. Christians should desire to live their life with someone who will help them get to heaven by being an encouragement to them, rather than possibly hinder them.
- Christian parents must teach their children about the importance of the church. The church, Christians, is a beautiful creation from the Lord. I think the concept of “the church” has been lost in today’s world because the term “church” is used loosely to mean different things, commonly the building where the church meets.
- Christian parents must teach their children that they are accountable for their actions. Children first must realize that there are consequences for their actions in this life. If a child misbehaves, they must be disciplined. If a child behaves well, they should be rewarded for that behavior. This concept can eventually be developed into the reality that we will all be judged in the last day.
Related Articles:
- From the Standpoint of the Bible
- Five Ways for Kids to Learn About the Bible
- Preparing Children for the Real World