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5-Minute Retreats Finale

This is the last installment of the 5-Minute Retreats. I hope you have enjoyed them and most importantly that you are using the tips. If you can get the book, please do so, because it is chock-full of many more tips and general inspiration for moms. In the meantime, the next time you need a retreat try one of these great ideas:

Take a short break from counting calories, grams of fat and carbohydrates and delight in comfort foods, just do so in moderation.

Do something out of character— sign up for a line dancing, woodworking or other class, for example. Think of what people would least expect you to do and then do it.

Organize a girlfriends only weekend.

Take time to see life through a child’s eye and delight in the simple pleasures life has to offer.

Stand by the window or go outside on the porch and observe the splendor all around you.

Have lunch or dinner with your husband or a friend but make it a picnic in the park or eat outside in your own backyard.

Go outside at night and watch fireflies or observe the moon on a starry night.

On a rainy day curl up with a blanket and listen to the sound of rain on the roof. Or better yet, put on some boots, grab your umbrella and go outside and splash in puddles.

When the lazy days of summer arrives, trim your to-do list and enjoy the long afternoons like you did when you were a child.

For one day, turn off the ringer on the phone, pay no attention to the time, don’t check e-mail or even turn on the computer. Don’t turn on the TV or radio either.

Think of innovative ways to free up your time like preparing simple meals or having your kids do things for themselves.

Remember, moms sometimes need naps too.

Write down on slips of paper, 30 tasks that can be done in 5 minutes like washing one window or tidying on shelf in the pantry. Then place the tasks in a jar and do one each day of the month. Instead of spending a large block of time on mundane tasks, you tackle them one day at a time, five minutes at a time.

Get up before everyone else does and stay up later once everyone is asleep and enjoy those peaceful moments.

Finally, copy this mother’s prayer and read it each morning:

“Dear Lord, this day has been great so far, and I have so much to be thankful for. Up until now, no one has thrown any hissy fits (including me), no one has spilled their Cinnamon Crunch cereal all over the clean floor, I haven’t said anything I will regret, the toilet hasn’t overflowed, I haven’t eaten anything that will go straight to my hips, I haven’t allowed myself to think or say anything negative about anyone, and I haven’t missed my exercise class. But Lord, the alarm clock just went off, and it’s almost time to get out of bed. Then I’m really going to need your help!”

If you missed the other retreats you can read them here:

More 5-Minute Retreats

Simplify Your Life

Queen For A Day

5-Minute Retreats for Women