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5 More Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Romantic Ideas, Valentines DayHere are five more really creative and romantic ideas for your sweetheart. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I thought I would share some great Frugal Valentine’s Day ideas. These are mostly just some ways to show your partner that you love them creatively and inexpensively.

Idea #1

This isn’t exactly cheap and really only works on a birthday or a holiday, but if you substitute the roses, with daisies or carnations (or any other flower) it is certainly less expensive and still equally as romantic! Ask your partner to meet you at a slightly crowded public place (the mall works REALLY well). Before you arrive, purchase two dozen flowers. Pick a place around the corner from where you are to meet her, and choose someone randomly from the crowd. Point out your partner to the stranger, and ask them to take the flower to her and say “Happy Valentine’s Day, Katie!” and continue walking off. Repeat this with eleven more people. Perhaps the eleventh person could be a young child (or you could do this throughout and have them ALL delivered by different children). After the twelfth flower is delivered, walk around the corner with the other dozen flowers and hand them to her. Tell her how much you love her. This is such a sweet idea.

Idea #2

Grab your mp3 player and head out to somewhere fun. This could be a scenic location or it could be a populated historical site. Or maybe it is just the playground at the park. Find a song you can dance to and put one of the ear buds in your partner’s ear, and one in your own. Stop right where you are, and enjoy a slow dance that only you two can hear.

Idea #3

Write your partner a love letter. But do not just stop there. Grab a microphone and record an mp3 of your letter. If you have software to do it, you could even insert a song that you both love playing in the background. Pop the song on her mp3 player or burn it on a CD and pop it into the CD player she listens to most often. She’ll enjoy hearing how much you love her when she least expects it.

Idea #4

Make a scrapbook for your partner. This does not have to be elaborate. You can create a paper bag album for really cheap. Print the pictures on your own printer or go get duplicates made. Use photos of the two of you together and write a poem or letter throughout the album. For some great articles on paper bag albums see:

Paper Bag Albums part one

Paper Bag Albums part two

Paper Bag Albums part three

Idea #5

A special delivery at work is a wonderful surprise for your partner. And it doesn’t have to cost a lot. Purchase a bouquet of flowers and place it in an inexpensive vase and wrap a ribbon around it. Take it up to your partner’s work yourself. Ask another office mate that you might see, or take someone with you, and have them make the delivery. The same will work with other gifts – cards, chocolates, anything.

Whatever you do for your partner to let them know you love them, remember that these can be done all year round and not just on Valentine’s Day.

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5 More Romantic Ideas For a Frugal Valentine’s Day