Save money and time when you create your own relaxing spa in the comfort of your home.
When life throws a lot of stress and confusion at us, it is important to take the time to relax and refresh so we can get back to the business of navigating life and being the best that we can be. A nice day at the spa might seem like the perfect solution, but really, who has the time or the money to do it and do it often? Not me, that is for sure.
One nice solution is to create that relaxing spa at home. Here are the steps that you can follow.
1. Locate your spa. Usually this is a bathroom. Don’t just settle for any bathroom, though, pick your favorite one in the house.
2. Set the mood. Transform your bathroom into a real spa without the real price by bringing the lighting down and using candles. Not only will candles be instantly calming, they will also hide the peeling paint or make the chip in the sink seem charming instead of dreadful. consider adding some soft music, too.
3. Offer yourself a few luxuries. Some nicely scented bubble bath, a natural sponge loofah, a sugar scrub or some bath oil will help you soak away your troubles or give your normal pedicure that spa sense.
4. Use the tricks of the pros
Aromatherapy is the art of using scents to relax, stimulate or change your energy and mood. Lavender is known as a scent that relaxes, so splurge on some lavender soap. A scalp or foot massage will naturally relax you as well, even if you are the one doing it for yourself.
5. Don’t forget the takeaway. Great spas always give you a finishing treatment that leaves you floating on air and feeling very relaxed and pampered. Don’t forget this last step. Apply soothing oil or lotion after your dry off with a towel you pre-warmed in the dryer.