Let’s kill the myth that dieting is expensive. No longer can the excuse, “I can’t afford to diet.” be used after following this five steps. We are going to get nitty and throw in some gritty realism to the idea that dieting takes a lot of money. Don’t get me wrong, it can be quite costly if you follow a commercialized diet like Jenny Craig. But if you don’t need Jenny telling you what and when to eat, you may save yourself a bundle.
- Attitude. Now, that’s a freebie. Your attitude will determine the end result. If you are determined to win the battle of the bulge than no cupcake missile can destroy your diet plans. You will need a strong and determined winning attitude the longer you are on the path to weight loss.
- Clothing. I know this may sound foolish to some but there are dieters who feel the need to drop a load of cash on clothes and shoes. Yes, you need a solid pair of shoes. No, you do not need designer work out clothes with a headband to match. It will not help you lose weight. Reward yourself with a new outfit once you lose your first five or ten pounds.
- Diets. Yes, diets that come with prepacked foods are expensive. However, weight loss existed long before Nutrisystem. If you can afford it, fine. If you cannot then do not use it as an excuse. I have lose weight by eating what was in my kitchen. You do not need special foods, pills, or supplements.
- Joining a Gym. Feel free to join a gym if it is in your budget. However, we must never use the cost of a gym as an excuse for not losing weight or exercising. Netflix has plenty of streaming workout videos and taking a job in the park is free. You can work out at home for little or no cost. Get a walking or jogging buddy to help keep you motivated.
- Grocery Shopping. Yes, food is expensive. But you now what? I bought a cheesecake for $15 the other day. That money could have provided food for a few meals. When we add in healthy foods to our grocery list we cannot forget to subtract the junk. You do not need to buy organic if you cannot afford it. Eggs are a great protein and healthy when eaten in moderation; best of all they are cheap. Beans are healthy, provide protein and can be used in place of expensive meat. Water is essential and comes from your sink. Frozen veggies are still healthy and cost less than fresh. I always recommend fresh whole organic foods. However, we cannot always afford that and it is no excuse for buying processed foods. I would rather you buy frozen veggies and canned beans than frozen tacos and ice cream under the misguidance you cannot afford to eat low fat.