Why pay for overpriced groceries that don’t add to your quality of life? You’ll save significant money by eliminating these common items from your grocery cart.
1. Soda
Look at food and drink in terms of how much money you spend for nutrition. Soda contains no nutrition at all, so why pay for it? Even some candy is better in nutrition than soda.
2. Paper products
Why buy something to throw it away? Paper products can easily be replaced with regular products to save money (and be better for the environment). Use dish cloths and wash cloths for spills and real plates instead of paper plates.
3. Juice
Yes, there is some nutritional quality to juice, but you’ll get more for you money when you buy the fruit whole. Juice has a lot of sugar and calories. Eat the whole fruit to get the most for your money. If you have to drink juice, why not squeeze your own a little at a time. You’ll use less that way, too.
4. Meal kits
There are a plethora of meal kits available. Basically, you open the package and assemble the meal. They may seem convenient. But with an extra five or ten minutes, you can make three or four times the amount of food for the same price. Some kits can even be assembled yourself the night before or even while you are at the grocery store. One famous kit included a can of soup, a can of vegetables and a can of chicken.
5. Microwave popcorn
I admit that I stopped buying microwave popcorn because of all of the additives in it. There is some pretty nasty stuff coating those bags. But one thing I discovered was how much money I could save by just buying regular old fashioned pop corn. It is so much cheaper. it is more fun to make it over the stove, but guess what, you can still microwave it. Just use a regular paper bag!
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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